Rock-Star Report Vol 9

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Are you seeing a drop in your Retail Sales in 2024???

Reply to this email with the word “Funnel” to book a call with us and see how a custom sales funnel can improve your ad performance by 3-5x!!!

Managing Customer Expectations

Globally, 54% of all consumers reported having higher customer service expectations compared to the previous year. This shows a continuous rise in what customers expect from companies in terms of service, quality and responsiveness​.

Source: Fonolo

Managing customer expectations is paramount to achieving customer satisfaction and long-term success. 📈 💥 

Consumers have more access to information than ever before. This access means they often come to the table with specific knowledge and certain expectations.

This means customers may have already seen pictures of installations, read reviews about durability, and researched stone and color options.

This level of knowledge and education can both be seen as an advantage and a challenge for businesses.

Many people also say that COVID-19 changed customer expectations. Consumers want more detailed answers and more information about the product and the process. 

The pandemic has made transparency and education even more important, and businesses need to adapt to these new expectations to succeed.

*If consumer research does not align with YOUR business practices there will be a disconnect.*

Common Customer Expectations in the Stone Countertop Industry

  1. Quality of Material:

    • Customers expect high-quality, durable stone. They want assurances that the stone will withstand daily use and maintain its appearance over time.

  2. Variety of Options:

    • A wide range of stone types and colors to choose from.

  3. Transparency and Information:

    • Clear information about the product and the process.

  4. Pricing and Estimates:

    • Transparent and detailed pricing information. Customers expect no hidden fees and a clear understanding of what is included in the quoted price.

  5. Installation and Turnaround Time:

    • Customers anticipate a specific timeline for delivery and installation.

    • Skilled and professional installation services to ensure a perfect fit and finish.

  6. Customer Service and Communication:

    • Prompt responses to inquiries and updates throughout the process.

    • Knowledgeable staff who can provide expert advice.

  7. Maintenance and Care Guidance:

    • Clear guidelines on maintaining and caring for the stone countertop to ensure its longevity.

  8. Warranty and After-Sales Service:

    • Reliable warranties on the materials and workmanship.

    • Assurance of assistance with any problems or defects after installation.

Addressing these Expectations Helps:

  1. Build Trust

  2. Increase Customer Satisfaction

  3. Reduce Complaints

  4. Increase Close Rates

  5. Foster Loyalty

How to Manage Customer Expectations Effectively

Provide Educational Content

Create and share your own educational content.

  1.  Blog Posts and Articles: Write detailed articles on selecting the right stone, understanding the installation process, and tips for maintaining stone countertops.

  2. Videos: Produce videos showcasing different types of stone, installation procedures, and maintenance tips.

  3. Infographics: Use infographics to present information in an easily digestible format, such as comparisons between different types of stone or step-by-step installation guides.

  4. FAQs: Develop a comprehensive FAQ section on your website to address common questions and concerns. ➡️Document the most asked questions.

  5. Social Media - Create content with customer education in mind.

Educating customers with your business in mind empowers them to make informed decisions and set realistic expectations.

Showroom Expertise

Create an informed and confident sales team. 

Showroom staff should be well-versed. This includes knowing the properties of different stones, understanding the installation process, and being able to address any customer concerns.

Salespeople won’t be able to answer every question, but following up with answers and documentation helps give your customer a better experience.


Providing documents that customers can read through helps them understand the process so there is no disconnect. Consider the following:

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Detailed Quotes

  • Checklists for Template and Install

  • Warranty information

  • Maintenance information

  • Documents on and specific items (weather delays, scheduling, delivery terms etc.)

Transparent Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of managing customer expectations. From the first interaction, be transparent about what your service entails, the timeline, and any potential limitations.

Give constant updates and communication throughout the process.

Report any delays or issues. Even if it is a difficult conversation at times. 🙂 

Leveraging Automation

Automation can significantly enhance the customer experience and take some pressure off your sales and customer service team.  

“Did I forget to tell them that?!” type of Situation 😅

Here are some ways automation can be implemented:

Email and SMS
  • Automate your Checklists and Educational Documents (listed above ⬆️)

  • Emails linked to your website with FAQ’s

  • Automated reminders can be sent to customers to confirm appointments and provide necessary details.

  • Keep customers informed about the progress of their project through automated updates. 

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
  • Implement chatbots on your website to handle common inquiries and provide information about services

  • This ensures customers receive immediate responses, improving their experience.

  • Enter customers in a CRM where all salespeople can respond, not just going to one person’s inbox.  When that person is away…..who answers their email? Wouldn't it be easier if anyone could respond? 😀 

  • - sorry I had to…

Feedback Collection
  • Automate the feedback collection process by sending follow-up emails or surveys after completing a project. 

  • This allows you to gather valuable insights into customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

“89% of customers want to provide feedback on their experience.”

“Businesses that act on feedback see a 10-15% increase in customer retention rates”

Stay above your Competitors, talk about Customer Expectations, and implement these tactics!! 🥇 


Digital Stone Working Expo

Hosted by Park Industries

Education, Networking, Tours, and Demos

June 27, 2024

Washington, D.C.

To Register or for more info Click Here!

All Slab Fabbers

Hosted by The Granite Guys

July 24-26, 2024

Classes and Tours on the 25 and 26

Location - Pasco, Washington

For more info Click Here!


Thanks for reading!

Have a great week, see you next Saturday,

Alyssa McKenna

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Are you seeing a drop in your retail sales in 2024???

Reply to this email with the word “Funnel” to book a call with us and see how a custom sales funnel can improve your ad performance by 3-5x!!!