Rock-Star Report Vol 7

7 min read time

Make Professional Social Media Content

Running out of Social Media Content Ideas?

Do you find yourself posting the same idea over and over?

Having difficulty generating new post ideas?

Every time you sit down to make a social post do you say - “I just can’t think of any more ideas?!” 😭 

If this sounds all too familiar, don't worry—you are not alone! Many people/companies face the same challenge in generating fresh, engaging content.

The Key to making life easier is to PLAN.

First, we will plan our content and then how to make a calendar.

Let’s get Started!

Define Your Goals 🏆

Before we dive into content creation, it's best to establish clear goals. Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve with my social media presence?”

Some common goals are:

  • Generating leads 💡

  • Increase brand awareness 📈

  • Driving traffic to your website 🌐

  • Engaging with your audience 🗣️

Having specific goals will help guide your content strategy and measure success.

Understand and Define Your Audience

  • Retail customers

  • Home Builders

  • Contractors

  • Designers

  • Cabinet makers

  • Architects

  • Resellers

  • General Contractors

➡️ Research their interests, pain points, and the type of content they engage with most. This will help you tailor your posts to meet their needs and preferences.

Choose the Right Platform

Focus on the ones that best suit your business and where your audience is most active.

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are particularly effective for stone fabrication companies. Instagram and Pinterest are great for showcasing visual content, while LinkedIn can help you connect with industry professionals.

Develop a Content Strategy

A well-defined content strategy will ensure your posts are consistent, engaging, and aligned with your goals. Consider the following types of content:

  • Before and After Transformations

  • Sales and Promotions

  • Behind the Scenes Videos

  • Customer Testimonials

  • Showcase your projects

  • Educational Posts

  • Design Inspiration

  • Spotlight on Supplier

  • Client Project Spotlight

  • Holiday and Special Dates

  • Fun Facts

  • Humor/fun

  • Inspiration quotes

Optimize Your Posts 🌟

To maximize engagement, ensure your posts are optimized for each platform:

  • Visuals 📸: Use high-quality images and videos. Tools like Canva can help you create visually appealing graphics.

  • Captions ✍️: Write clear, concise, and engaging captions. Include calls to action to encourage interaction.

  • Hashtags #️⃣: Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. Research trending hashtags in the stone industry.

  • Timing ⏱️: Post at times when your audience is most active. Use analytics tools to determine the best times to post.

Developing Your Calendar

ALRIGHT!! The time has come.

Now that you have your goals, audience, and content ideas, here is what you need next:

  1. Pick out your top 10-12 topics from the list you created.

  2. Determine how many days of the week you want to post (2? 3? 5? 7?). For retail businesses, posting 5-7 times per week is appropriate.

  3. Print out a blank calendar for the upcoming month to create your overview of content for the month.

  4. From your content list, decide what topics will go on what day and write them on the calendar. (I start with any special events and holiday posts.)

  5. Now you have a general idea for the month of what topics you will post

  6. Start preparing your outline and posts. Prepare at minimum a week in advance. I prepare two weeks at a time.

  7. Now you need to use a Social Media Content Planner to gather all your data for each post. Message me for a free copy of our template with examples!

Key Information to Include in the Template

  1. Date: The specific date the content will be posted.

  2. Platform: The social media platform where the content will be posted (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest).

  3. Content Type: The type of content being posted (e.g., before-and-after, testimonial, educational post, design inspiration, behind-the-scenes).

  4. Post Description: A brief description of the content.

  5. Visual/Media: The type of media associated with the post (e.g., image, video, carousel).

  6. Caption/Copy: The written content or caption for the post.

  7. Hashtags: Relevant hashtags should be included in the post.

  8. Time to Post: The time of day the content will be posted.

  9. Status: The current status of the post (e.g., Scheduled, Draft, Published).

  10. Notes: Additional notes or reminders (e.g., need to finalize video editing, add background music).

Now You Make the Posts! Done!! 💥 

Key points

You can cycle ideas - pick 10-12 each month and cycle them.  The next month pick your top performers and add in a couple new ones. 

Stay flexible. You can move around if you need too.

Analyze your social media performance each month to understand what works and what doesn’t. Use analytics tools provided by each platform to track metrics like engagement rates, reach, and follower growth.


Colorado Stone Summit - Dynamic Intentionality

Hosted by Architectural Surfaces

June 6, 2024

Denver, CO

To See Agenda and Register Click Here!

SFA Workshop

Hosted by Cutting Edge Countertops (Brian Burns)

June 6 & 7, 2024

Perrysburg, OH

To see the Agenda or to Register Click Here!

All Slab Fabbers

Hosted by The Granite Guys

June 24-26, 2024

Classes and Tours on the 25 and 26

Location - Pasco, Washington

For more info Click Here!

Digital Stone Working Expo

Hosted by Park Industries

Education, Networking, Tours, and Demos

June 27, 2024

Washington, D.C.

To Register or for more info Click Here!



Thanks for reading!

See you next Saturday,

Alyssa McKenna

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